A follow-up to my post of a couple weeks ago:

>From: Peter Lalor <plalor at infoasis.com>
>Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 15:18:52 -0700
>We have a DSL Terminator 100 that's acting up in new and creative
>ways. Whenever we make any change that affects the routing table,
>such as adding, removing, enabling or disabling a connection profile
>or route, the unit sends many routes to wanidle0 and the unit must be
>As we also have several DSL Max 20s (and other Ascend gear) that
>don't exhibit this problem, we figured that we must have some error
>in a profile somewhere, and we did in fact find several profiles with
>errors, most notably some profiles that inadvertently had BIR enabled
>(the tech had copied a bridged account to make a routed account). We
>also found some typos in IP addresses and subnet masks.
>We fixed all that--and I mean _everything_--but the box is still very
>unhappy. I even found a route from a typo that had been corrected
>that would recur after every reset, even though the route appears
>nowhere in the config or RADIUS. I eventually copied an empty profile
>over the corrected profile and re-entered it from scratch, which
>finally removed that route but did not fix the problem of routes
>going to wanidle0.
>My guess at this point is that the unit needs an fclear, nvramclear
>and the configuration reloaded.
>I wonder if anyone else has experienced a box becoming somehow
>corrupted due to typos in profiles. If so, did the above fix it?
>I'm primarily posting this as a warning to _be careful_ with your
>configurations. Apparently, the DSL Terminator, at least, is not very
>forgiving of human frailty, and will punish your foolishness in
>painful ways.

Doing fclear, nvramclear and reloading the config made no difference.

Any ideas, anyone?

Peter Lalor           Infoasis
plalor at infoasis.com   http://www.infoasis.com/

"Where's my burrito?" -- Homer
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