Hi !

I´m trying to set up the following 2 scenarios :

Scenario 1 (Happy-Hour)

1. Users dialing in from 6 - 7 PM should only be able to get 1*64kb
(ISDN), not 2*64kb ISDN.
Switching the users file would be a solution , but is there a
time-dependant solution for Radius?

Scenario 2 (Flatrate)

2. Authentification should be done as following :

- only users who dial a certain number (billing reasons)
- AND have a username and Password

should be allowed to get in and use only 1 channel (see scenario 1). 

I´d like to have the possibility for our users to add a second ISDN
Channel, but don´t know how...
(on the second channel U can´t dial a different number , right ? )
The second channel should get billed.

As we are a Telephone (City) Carrier in Germany we have the possibility
to bill certain numbers and leave out others...

Did anyone do this before ?


i.A. Peter De Schrijver
Leiter Internet- und Carrierservice
Netcom Kassel

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