I have recently turned up an APX8000 and it seems to be spitting out some
new vendor specific attributes:

ERR: Attribute number 13 (vendor 529) is not defined in your dictionary
ERR: Attribute number 28 (vendor 529) is not defined in your dictionary
ERR: Attribute number 66 (vendor 529) is not defined in your dictionary
ERR: Attribute number 67 (vendor 529) is not defined in your dictionary
ERR: Attribute number 68 (vendor 529) is not defined in your dictionary
ERR: Attribute number 69 (vendor 529) is not defined in your dictionary
ERR: Attribute number 86 (vendor 529) is not defined in your dictionary

Does anybody have a dictionary filet that handles these yet?  This APX is
running 9.0.0.

Arnold Cavazos, Jr.                    abcjr at southwind.net
Operations Manager
fn.net hit.net southwind.net     
OneMain.com Companies

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