> Let me explain a little more.  From work I'd like to be able to wake
> up my home network and get it to connect to the Internet so that I
> can then telnet into it (for example).  At work I have a Sun Ultra
> and a PC on my desk both with permanent fast connections to the
> Internet, there are no modems or ISDN TAs or anything like that
> around the place.  I do of course have a telephone on my desk.
> Thus the requirement is that a phone call to a specific number (I
> have MSN on my ISDN at home, thus there are 8 numbers) should get the
> Linux machine at home (which is always on) to try and connect which
> will wake up the Pipeline.
> This can be done with a modem on the Linux box and a script which is
> run when an incoming call is detected but I wondered if there was
> some more direct way of doing it with the Pipeline. 

How about this?
    Setup the pipeline to syslog to the Linux machine
    Write a program to parse the syslog output and look for a caller ID 
    line that shows that you called from your office phone.  I guess
    you could setup syslog to stream to a named pipe or you could just
    parse whatever file that syslog logs to.
    In the event that this caller ID event occurs, then the Linux box
    forced the pipeline to dialup.

The only problem I see with this (besides having to write the program)
is that syslogged caller ID data from pipelines has, historically, been
inaccurate.  I'm still running Firmware 5.1Ap1 (because it mostly
works and I'm scared to break anything by upgrading) and it rarely
syslogs the correct called number.  Does anyone know if Ascend ever
fixed this in a later firmware?

Earl Barfield  --  Operations Department / Information Technology  
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
Internet: Earl.Barfield at oit.gatech.edu    earl at prism.gatech.edu
          earl at fantasy.gatech.edu         earl at oit.gatech.edu
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