>From: Francesco Lovergine <f.lovergine at iesi.ba.cnr.it>
>As you know (maybe) Lucent Portmaster series is at its deadline.
>We use extensively a nice feature of ComOS and we need to know
>in advance if it is supported on Lucent MAX boxes.
>Is there the possibility to pre-define a default/preferred host
>and service (tcp port) to open 'netdata' - this is the PM definition -
>session with it? With
>PM whenever a call arrives and a user logons with a specific name/password
>the box open a tcp session on port X with host Y in pass-through mode
>(i.e. without translation or interpretation of any character - this
>is different from a telnet sessions which capture some specific
>control chars such as Ctrl-]). This nice feature is used in our
>private network to build up custom client/server applications
>with some mbedded systems with limited capacities - which cannot open a ppp
>session and then connect the suitable host.

This is called a TCP Clear connection on a Max and it does exactly 
what you need. We used to use it to pass UUCP traffic to our mail 
server. Worked great.

Peter Lalor           Infoasis
plalor at infoasis.com   http://www.infoasis.com/

"Where's my burrito?" -- Homer
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