> From: "Darkshot's Lists" <dfl at chudys.com>
> Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 09:21:47 -0500
> Subject: (ASCEND) Blocking or limiting Napster...
> What I'd like, either using the MAX boxes' filtering capabilities,
> or something on the Ciscos (2500 series), is to be able to
> block this traffic completely for a bit to see if the problem
> goes away.
> Paradise has a product that's supposed to analyze traffic and tell
> you what's going on, but my topology won't allow me to use it
> effectively- plus, it needs to be on a "hub" and I don't have any
> here. Don't have any vacuum tubes, either. ;-)

Sounds like a denial of service attack maybe, or someone spamming from your
ports, as I'd be surprised if you saturated 2 T1's of data from regular
usage. Typically we see 1:4 to 1:8 usage ratio (not dialup usage, rather
active bandwidth users at any given second), so even if you had 96 ports on
the MAX you shouldn't be filling one T1, let alone flooding two.

You can get a hub for about $20 - get a laptop with a free packet analyzer
(like Linux's tcpdump or ntop, or there are some free Windows ones too), and
plug it in and watch what's happening - that would be a lot quicker (and
probably generate less complaints) than playing trial and error with which
services to block.

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