
My TNT is connected to OC3-ATM network (our own network) and ATM 
connections are configured in RADIUS (permconns). There are multiple 
switches/routers  on the way to the other end. Lets say the connection (IP) 
I need to test is between TNT and Cisco 3810 connected to Frame Relay 
behind that ATM network where my TNT is connected. Cisco has IP address 
configured in serial interface and that same ip address is used when 
configuring atm connection to TNT. But there is no ip address on TNT side...

When I try to ping Cisco, TNT sends echo request to Cisco, but what is the 
source address
which TNT uses for that packet? Is it system ip address (ip-global) as I 
assume, and therefore Cisco doesn't know any route to send echo reply. 
Source address should be that other address of the network configured 
between TNT and Cisco, but how can I do that?
Because it's not necessary to configure "local ip address" in tnt, I don't 
want to.
My clients have ISDN routers dialing in to TNT and they are router to ATM 
using ATM-Direct.

So only way to test some customer's ATM connection from TNT is to ping that 
other end from ISDN router. But I need to do that testing before ISDN 
router is in place, just to be sure, that trunk connection is ok.

How does that oamloop command works? Does it only go to the next switch and 
then come back which isn't enough in this case because Cisco is behind ATM-FR.

I also use Vrouters.

Here are some information about my setup:
wan 237 is that ATM connection (dtietesti-atm), and wanabe routes are ISDN 

admin> netstat dtietesti-vrou -r
Destination        Gateway         IF          Flg   Pref 
Met     Use        Age        -               bh0_dtietes 
CP       0   0       0    1386726       -               local       CP       0   0       0 
1386726       -               rj0_dtietes 
CP       0   0       0    1386726   wan237      rGT     60   1       0 
149308   wan237      rT      60   1       4 
149308  wanabe      SG     100   1      10 
149318  wanabe      SG     100   1      10 

admin> permconn
  Active         Yes
  User-Name      dtietesti-atm
  Send-auth-mode 0
  Ascend-Call-Type       1
  Ascend-Group   5
  Ascend-Nailed-Grp      5
  Ascend-Data-Srv        1
  Ascend-PRI-Number-Type 2
  HostAddress    []
  Netmask        []
  wanAlias       []
  ifAddress      []
  ifNetmask      []
  Metric         1
  Dial number    []
  Clid           []
  Dnis           []
  Framed-Protocol        20
  Ascend-ATM-Vpi         0
  Ascend-ATM-Vci         180
adsl Cap Ascend-Dsl-Upstream-Limit:50
adsl Cap Ascend-Dsl-Downstream-Limit:6
adsl Dmt Ascend-Dsl-Upstream-Limit:153
adsl Dmt Ascend-Dsl-Downstream-Limit:103
sdsl Ascend-Dsl-UpDownstream-Limit:4

admin> ping -c 1 -r dtietesti-vrou  -x
ping: invalid source address ""

Jyrki Kainulainen.

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