> Does anyone know if the Pipeline 50 can be configured to support IPSec
> pass-through.  I can access my company's LAN via a VPN application, but
> my Pipeline has to support IPSec pass-through.


why IPSec pass-through ??

IMHO the IPSec encoding is done on the Client side (software for "road 
warriors" or something else....), so the P50 doesn´t  take notice of 
IPSec-packets, because they are wrapped with standard TCP-headers.

You should only take care of the routing.... but that depends on your local 

Andre Ruppert
technische Leitung
<ar at vision-net.de>

Vision Consulting Deutschland oHG
Osterather Str.7
50739  Köln

tel    +49 221 917 15 33
fax   +49 221 917 15 38
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