Time to clean house.  Clearing out Lucent Ascend Max TNT and APX spare
cards.  All working.. some new, some refurbs.  Prices below OBO.  

1 - APX-SL-DSP-3		$11,500 (rare 288 port Multi-DSP card for APX 1000)	

13 - APX8-SL-96DSP		$1450  (96 port Multi-DSP - v.92, viop, etc)

2- TNT-SL-48MODV3-S-C	$450

2 - TNT-SL-CT1		$350

1- TNT-SL-E100		$150

1- TNT-HDLC2		$350

1- TNT-HA192		$150

815-968-9888 or reply by email.


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