
Anyone know how I can link a users info to the corresponding call info?

by typing a "show users" you get something like this:
ascend% show users
I Session   Line: Slot: Tx    Rx    Service         Host            User
O ID        Chan  Port  Data  Rate  Type[mpID]      Address         Name
I 381695532 2:11  3:8   50667 28800 PPP             a.b.c.d         username

Now a "show calls" gives you:
ascend% show calls
CallID    Called Party ID    Calling Party ID   InOctets       OutOctets
51        88884444           222233333          1716523        7353774

What I would like to know is how do I link the username from users to the
calls info
I know I can do it via my radius logs but it would be nice to be able top do
this from the session I run in the MAX unit an not to have to log into my


Greg K

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