
Hope someone can help me with this issue.

I changed IOS from tck.m60 to tik.m60 now system does not come up.  I am
connected to it using serial port com1 and this is the message I get using

MAX6000 Boot PROM 1.4
Trying main onboard flash load...
get gzipped load...
verify crc...
bad CRC!!
Trying secondary onboard flash load...

No valid load in flash foun
MAX6000 Boot PROM 1.4
Trying main onboard flash load...
get gzipped load...
verify crc...
bad CRC!!
Trying secondary onboard flash load...

No valid load in flash foun
MAX6000 Boot PROM 1.4
Trying main onboard flash load...
get gzipped load...
verify crc...
bad CRC!!
Trying secondary onboard flash load...

Is there any way I can reset the unit back to manufacture default? using

Thank you in advance for your help,
Tony Banks

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