> Yes, Backup Exec is slick, and in the case of backing up data, I don't
> mind spending a little money on proprietary software, especially if it
> makes my life easier.  Are you running the DLT with BE or is it being
> run w/AMANDA right now?

BE is running the DLT drive, which is why I'm trying to figure out how
to get BE to backup the linux machines. (Fixed the firewall...it didn't
want to resolve the internal hostname for some reason)

> There's a Backup Exec client for Linux available. Have you
> investigated that?  If so, I'd be interested to hear about it since
> I may be trying that soon myself.

There is? Whoah. I just checked their site and didn't see one. I even
searched, and the only Linux related thing I found was a press release
announcing a partnership with RedHat to support NetBackup, not Backup
Exec. Is it a beta thing? Care to point me in the right direction?

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Andy Zbikowski, Sys Admin   | (WEB) http://www.ltiflex.com
LTI Flexible Products, Inc. | (PH)  763-428-9119 (EX) 132
21801 Industrial Blvd       | (FX)  763-428-9126
Rogers, MN  55374           | (PCS) 612-306-6055
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