On Tue, Aug 08, 2000 at 02:30:29PM -0500, Timothy Wilson wrote:
>Slink is it. Potato is currently frozen and should be "stable" Real Soon
>Now(tm). I use unstable (woody) on my laptop and workstation with no
Congratulation on making a wise choice switching to debian! 

FYI, you can install frozen (I use it for production!) and run it as "stable".

Before you get too concerned with "stable" and "unstable" in te Debian realm,
know that the definitions therein are different than other dists. In Debian
"unstable" means the packages change often and that thier packaging is not
thoroughly tested. But it does _NOT_ mean that it's going to crash, like to
race, core dump, leak memory as most "unstable" classifications do.

Having said that. Bump up a notch to frozen, and when you are comfortable with
the debian packaging system and it's idiosyncracies as well as how to track
wether or not doing and "apt-get upgrade" is going to break anything and how
to put packages on "hold" so they and thier dependancies aren't "upgraded" to
busted packages, you can install the "unstable" branches and run them daily.

I have great luck with unstable, been running it since slink was unstable
because when I installed "Bo" "Hamm came out a week later and the "slink"
unstable was right on par with current software so I upgraded. Hehe.

Ben Lutgens  Work: 612.379.5941 Cell: 651.387.9065  Home: 651.703.9541
Systems Administrator Sistina Software Inc. http://www.globalfilesystem.org/

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