On Thu, 28 Dec 2000, Bob Tanner wrote:

> Since the mailing list archives are down, I had to post without doing my
> research. :-)
> Anyone know of a way to get MacOS to talk to a Samba server running under Linux?
> I see DAVE out there, but I was wondering if there is an open source solution?

Certainly!  (if your server is Linux). 

Netatalk.   You can't directly talk to samba, but you can set up the same
shares that you do in samba under netatalk. 

It's really not that difficult to set up.  If you search on
"netatalk" there are "howto" documents out there. 

I have shared both disk and printers this way.  (just set the mac printer
to a postscript printer, and point it to your "ghostscript" printer)

What the president of the Motion Picture Association of America says about 
taking away your constitutional rights:

"I'm rather jubilant now. What Judge Kaplan did was blow away every one of 
these brittle and fragile rebuttals. He threw out fair use; he threw out 
reverse engineering; he threw out linking."

- Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Association of America.

______         _ __         "If you don't have the freedom to use what you
  /           ' )  )               own - then you do not own anything."
 / o ______    /  / _  . .    No apologies to Jack Valenti or the MPAA
/ <_/ / / <   /  (_</_(_/_  -- tneu at visi.com / http://www.visi.com/~tneu --