This is actually a question for my father-in-law, who's out in Sapporo, Japan. He really wants to make Linux his primary OS, but is being held back by not knowing how to input Japanese in X. I helped him last summer to set up kinput2 (or canna, I don't remember which), but I could only get that to work with kterm. Of course, what he really needs is a way to input Japanese into a word processor. So: does anyone speak Japanese and have it in X? If so, whatinput method would you recommed? Kinput2, canna, wnn? What word processor? StarOffice? Abiword? Kword? I found this picture ( which shows the recently patched version of Kword with Japanese input, which looks like it would be perfect for him, although I don't know what input method is being used. (As far as I know, XIM is just a generic term.) Otherwise, if all else fails, I'll just point him in the direction of the Sapporo LUG. He's on vacation right now, so I thought it would be nice to do a little research for him first. Except that I don't know Japanese, which makes reading the documentation a little difficult. :) :Peter