On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 11:20:18 -0500 (CDT)
"Brian" <lxy at cloudnet.com> wrote:

> Well Bill, dictionary.com says we're both wrong:
> " <programming> To access the thing to which a pointer points, i.e. to
> follow the pointer"

Ok, you'll love this.. I was basing my belief on the fact that the cp -d
option allows you to copy actual symlinks, rather than the files to which
they point. Heh, here is a clip from the cp manpage:

 -d, --no-dereference
              Copy symbolic links as symbolic links  rather  than
              copying  the files that they point to, and preserve
              hard links between source files in the copies.

Lol! -d doesn't mean 'dereference' it means 'no dereference'; silly, silly
me. Sigh.

-.Hi, how are you? I set you up this flag to not dereference your

              -.frogtown.-     -.minnesota.-      -.u.s.a.-