As far as I can tell, Time Warner land isn't blocking port 80 traffic. In
Time Warner land you're still Road Runner (handy licensing of mascot I'm
sure.) If you're in AT&T land you are something like AT&T at Home or AT&T
Broadband or AT&T Buzz-word-of-the-week. Sooner or later they'll get
them selves sorted out.

I'm on Time Warner myself, and I've had my current IP address for over 70
days. I know this to be true cause my dyndns address
( has sent me a "no updates for 35 days" e-mail twice.

So if you're box is running 24/7 it will keep the same IP for a long time.
You'll still have to use a dhcp client or your lease won't be renewed, and
you'll be scrwed when someone else gets leased that address.

How things are in AT&T land I don't know, but remember, AT&T is not Road

Andrew S. Zbikowski |
"We can learn much more from wise words, little
from wisecracks and less from wise guys."
--William Arthur Ward