On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 08:22:09AM -0500, Nate Carlson wrote:
> I bet the AUP specifically says that they aren't responsible for any
> unreachability, etc.. which also means that they can cause the
> unreachability if they so desire.

They probably aren't, but if you consistently can't reach somewhere,
contact them.  I wasn't able to get to non-us.debian.org for a long
time.  It was obvious from the traceroute output that a router was
messed up.  It took several support requests and a call from a network
tech (I wish I got his number) to get it fixed. 

> Anyways, if they're getting flooded, it's not exactly their fault..

Is there any good way to detect this?  I would love to see real-time
traffic stats on their major routers.  
