Just about the only thing that's keeping us from migrating our servers to some variant of Linux is cross-platform backup software. Currently we're using Dantz Retrospect to backup everything on the LAN to DAT connected to one of the servers via SCSI. It's transparent, happens in the background and all I have to do is remember to keep the tapes straight and keep feeding them to the tape beast. I've never yet restored anything but our Macs completely from a backup set (with Windows it's just easier to reformat/reinstall) but I'm regularly pulling single files and directories from the tapes. Is there software for Linux that will allow me to do the same. I want it transparent, reliable, and in the background. -- Michael Fraase ARTS & FARCES LLC mfraase at farces.com www.farces.com PGP Fingerprint: 3D85 F3F4 9E65 4949 176A 260C CB47 190D C864 9A96