On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Michael Vieths wrote:

> Hmm, the copy on Slackware 7.1 wraps properly.  Looking at pico's man 
> page, it looks like there's a command line option to disable line 
> wrapping.  If you're not running it directly, I'd check the 
> configuration of whatever's launching it to see if it's adding that 
> option (-w).  If you're doing it from the command line, try typing 
> 'alias' and seeing if there's an alias defined for pico.

Yes, but then I end up with e-mail that's not wrapped.  I don't think
anyone appreciates a 1K messgae that's 1 line.  In fact, I think there's a
punishment for the people who do that in this list IIRC.

> Pico is also part of the Pine package (on Slackware, at least); you 
> might try looking through .pinerc and such and see if modifying the 
> composer options in there have an effect.

Yup, I compiled the source from the pine tarball.  I think I'll try nano
or joe.  I could use vi but I'm not proficient enough in vi to e-mail
efficiently.  Same with emacs.  The magnetized pin method is not an option
because the server is physically located 40 miles away.  That'd be an
awfully long pin.
