> I think they're some of the best keybindings out there. very sensible and
> practical. (tho it did take a while for me to get used to 'd' being 'delete'
> instead of 'down to next message', and up/down arrows switch to
> previous/next message, rather than scrolling up/down. but it didn't bother
> me enough to make me do anything about it.)

I was able to arrange the keybindings so that they were close enough to
sane that I thought I could adapt.

However, my brief experiences with mutt left me unsatisfied with its msg
search/filtering power, as compared with pine. When you
enable-aggregate-command-set in pine, you can make and refine selection of
messages based on To, From, Subject, all text, etc. I couldn't determine
how to do that in Mutt. So I switched back to pine, with some regret,
since there are a lot of mutt features that I really like (esp. the
different colors for different levels of quoted text).


> Carl.