Argh, don't get me started on Qwest (oops, looks like I just did).  They
dropped my DSL connection early friday morning (about 5:00 judging by my
log files).  This was reported to them at about 8:30am.  It took until
5:00pm to convince them that there really was a problem and that it wasn't
on my end.  By then it was too late to do anything about it friday, so it
had to wait until this week.  Their current expected repair time is
tomorrow afternoon.

They absolutely refused to even look at the problem unless I was right
next to the router (a little Cisco 675) with a Win9x box connected to it.
Oh, and the Win9x box had to have their connection monitoring utility
installed on it, even though all the stats they were looking for are
available directly from the router itself.

It's really bad when you have to explain basic networking to the people
you have to call for support for your internet connection...


On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Shawn Fertch wrote:

> I have to admit that at this point in time, I'm glad that all of my data
> that absolutely "must" be backed up fits on a nice 100MB Zip disk
> (actually it totals about 25MB).  The rest of it, such as dowloaded
> program files and patches (damn windows crap) I download at work, burn
> to a CD-R or two and bring home to work.  That way I'm not spending
> literally days downloading at home on my pathetic 56k line.  Who knows,
> by the time my install date comes around (March 21st comes around) for
> ISDN, DSL will finally be available to me.  Not likely.  Gotta remember,
> I'm dealing with Qwest.. 
> Shawn