On Tue, 1 May 2001, Al Borchers wrote:
> There is certainly a much smaller number than 26!.  The order of an element
> in the symmetric group is the LCM of its cycle lengths.  For QWERTY->DVORAK
> I get the cycle decomposition of
> (Q ' - [ / Z ; S O R P L N B X) (W ,) (E . V K T Y F U G I C J H D) (A) (M)
> Cycle lengths of 15, 2, 14, 1, 1.  So the order of that permutation is 210.

  Doh! Of course. Should've known that you look at the cycle
decomposition. Please, nobody tell my algebra professor about this... :)


Dan Drake <drake at lemongecko.org>
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