I may be interested in participating in this to some extent. I'm not sure what is involved in "building an integrated Linux," as I'm pretty much a linux/computer novice compared to most of the folks here. Any technical stuff I'd have to learn and I'm a busy medical student, so the amount of linux stuff I can learn is unfortunately not much. I would be more useful in advertising and trying to get new linux users to try it. One thing I've come to think is that linux would be a total gold mine for the K-12 public schools in terms of cost, but also educational value. We all know linux is a great OS. If we decide to go for it, we would need to decide what kind of package we should put together. Perhaps we could approach some high school teachers and find out what they would want, or even if they would be interested? What a better "seed" than getting young kids to use linux? If several Tclug folks were interested in pursing this, I'd be on board. I started using linux in 1998 because I liked the idea of a free operating system and open source. I was surprised that a novice like me could not only do my daily computing stuff with linux, but that I could actually figure out, with some help from more technical people, how to put together a very useful linux box! I use my computer for (please don't be offended Tclugers) email, surfing the web, a very little bit of scanner/imaging, and word procecessing. I can't program, and I know only the very basic unix commands. I'm very enthusiastic about making linux more accessible. If I can use it on a daily basis, a lot more people could! Jason