On or about Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:25:39 -0500 (CDT)
jeffr at odeon.net reportedly said...

> I didn't, but I have now.  It says:
> 	rm: cannot remove `W CD\!': No such file or directory
> Yet 'ls' still shows it as being there.
> 	-rw-rw-r--   1 jeffr    jeffr         544 Sep  7 01:43 W CD!

Bash must be treating the ! as a special case, like the ! at the beginning
of a shell script. Try these things:

- try 'rm W\ <tab>' and see if Bash is smart enouugh to autocomplete the
- start a filemanager like mc or xfm, or and try using that to delete it.
- if it is the only file what begins with W, try 'rm W*' or 'mv W*

Hope one of these works :)

-.those who are talking don't know, and those who know aren't talking.-

           -.frogtown.-     -.minnesota.-      -.u.s.a.-