
On or about Mon, 24 Sep 2001 12:10:51 -0500
Clay Fandre reportedly said...

> > Anyone have any idea when the next Installfest may be coming up?
> Whenever I can find a place to hold it. Anyone willing to assist me in
my search? We need a place that >will hold ~70 people, with lotsa tables,
lotsa power, and hopefully internet access. First one to find >a place

I may have a possibility for our next installfest. I have a friend on the
inside at MCTC (Downtown Mpls) who says that they may be willing to give
us use of a classroom or lab to have the installfest. (They have a T1 line
there...) What we need to do, is have some club official (that is, you
Clay) write a simple request / proposal descibing what we do, what we
need, hours of use etc. Stress the public educational mission of the TCLUG
Installfest events...

Email it to: farrelam at and she will forward it along to the
right people. With a bit of luck, we may have our venue.

-.those who are talking don't know, and those who know aren't talking.-

           -.frogtown.-     -.minnesota.-      -.u.s.a.-