Hey, On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Rodney G. Garayt wrote: > VMware costs 200 and that's how much win200 costs so it wouldn't make much sense > for me to do that. It'd just make sense to buy win200 - which I refuse to do in > spite of my kids complaints. Rotten kids will thank me one day when all that's > left is Linux! lol Here's the real question - what are you tyring to run? There are some things that won't run under Wine, but will under VMWare. Then again there are some things, namely GAMES, which will not run under VMWare, either! Since you mention kids, I'm thinking either games or some office apps for them to do their homework on. If it's games you're pretty much SOL (unless you buyt WineX and hope). Office apps are available for Linux, plus there's that Office Plugin, whihc I guess is a version of Wine specilized to run Office. -Yaron --