Jackie LaVaque wrote:
> I'm in the market for a 56K modem for my Mac Power PC 6500 that's running
> Linux...  I've posted here about this and was told, correctly, that the
> internal modem this computer came with won't work under Linux. I have been
> trying to find an external 56K modem that will work with my PPC running
> Yellow Dog 2.2. YDL 2.2 is basically Red Hat for the Macintosh, so I would
> think that a 56K external Mac modem *should* theoretically work with this
> 'puter, but no one that carries them seems to be able to tell me for sure if
> they would or not.

Any external modems that work under linux will be just fine.  I prefer 
the US Robotics modems, Zooms also work fairly well.  If you get a modem 
that was for a "PC" then you just need the proper cable.  They make mac 
serial to pc serial cables (9 pin din to either 25 or 9 pin d-sub 
depending on modem), you used to be able to get them at best buy, but 
now you might have to order one from a cable place.

If you have PCI slots (which I think the 6500 has), then you can 
probably use something like the ActionTec internal pci modem.  I have 
used many different "PC" pci cards in my 7500 with no problems (except 
video which requires apple monkey business).

If you've upgraded your processor, you might want to also look at MOL 
(Mac-On-Linux), it'll let you run some of your mac programs.  It boots 
up a virtual mac as a process under linux.  It can run in window or full 
screen mode.  It works pretty slick supports ethernet and sound.

Yellow dog probably has it in their release.
