On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, Bob Tanner wrote:

> Couple of weeks ago, I put this into my .muttrc
> my_hdr X-message-flag:          Outlook is a breeding ground for viruses. See http://cws.internet.com/mail.html for alternatives
Thanks for the idea.

> So, the point. This mailing list is for LINUX users, my little hack does not
> effect ANY MUA under Linux -and- it only effects 1 specific MUA; Outlook.
> So, shut off the hack? If so why? If not, why?

Up to you.
Religion is all about people not wanting to be the only fool
on their block.

> As an aside, I'll probably shut off the hack because I like Jacque :-), but I'm
> interested in your opinions. In a world of IE only web sites, Windows only
> attachements, is this really that bad of a thing?
It doesn't do anything to their client, the worst complaints
are probably from people who are uncomfortable using LookOut to
begin [one space, very carefully] with ;)

Seriously, anyone who complains about X-Message headers should get
a clue and a life, 'cause they obviously lack both.

Daniel Taylor
dante at plethora.net