On Tue, 2002-01-29 at 12:37, Austad, Jay wrote:
> Typically, if you have frame or carrier errors, it's usually a bad cable.
> Could be your switch or card too.  It's almost 100% not a configuration
> problem.


Someone reminded me that I forgot to include the hardware configuration:

- Abit KTA7 RAID Motherboard
- Athlon 1.4 GHz Thunderbird Processor
- RH 7.2
- NetGear FA311 using the DP83810 Chipset and Natsemi driver
- LinkSys 10/100 5-port hub

I replaced the cable with a different one and moved the port to a
different one.  I am still seeing significant packet loss.  A ping to a
different box will result in about 15% packet loss. I have another card
but it is also a NetGear FA311.  My next course of action is to find an
updater driver (if one exists) and install that.

Perry Hoekstra, MS
E-Commerce Architect
Talent Software Services
perry.hoekstra at talentemail.com