If anyone is looking for a sweet case, check out isitoday.com. They sell Chieftec cases, and they rock. The Antec SX1030B is actually a chieftec case with an Antec power supply. You'll need to call them if you want to order as their online shopping system isn't up yet. And the prices listed are retail prices, if you call them, they give you a much better price. Talk to the guy at extension 35, I forgot his name, but he's the guy that will give you the deal. I have a Chieftec case now, and it's probably the nicest case I've ever seen. Has a door to hide all of your ugly beige peripherals, comes with rails to mount everything on so you can just slide it out, it's almost completely screwless, and no sharp edges. Microcenter has some of their Beige stuff for ridiculous amounts of money (it's branded Antec at Microcenter) if you want to check them out. Jay