On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Chad Walstrom wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 05:58:50AM -0500, Daniel Taylor wrote:
> > 3. Debian developers got upgrading right a while ago, so they aren't
> > as concerned with getting the installer improved.
> Not quite right.  Debian developers HATE the current installation floppy
> setup.  Let me restate, debian developers DESPISE the current
> installation floppy setup.  It's monolithic, extremely hard to maintain,
> and has to be custom designed for each architecture it's deployed on.
Yep, and has had several replacements pop up over time (Stormix?).

My point was actually that there is little need to ever REinstall
a Debian system, so the installer gets less field time than dselect
or apt.
> > That said, has anyone here seen work on a source-based apt front end
> > for Debian?
> Hmm...  There was talk on debian-devel about such a thing.  You mean
> something like a BSD ports functionality w/o going so far as to needing
> ports?  Recently, *.deb's have been required to add "Build-Depends:"
> fields for the tools and libraries that a package needs to build from
> source.  apt-get does have a "source" target that downloads the
> necessary files and applies the debian patch to the original tarball in
> a working directory.  Read the apt-get manpages for more details.

I use "apt-get -b source pine" to keep up to date. I was rather
thinking of a frontend like aptitude or dselect that actually
acknowledged and used the Sources to keep track of packages.

Daniel Taylor
dante at plethora.net