On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 11:49:23AM -0500, Ryan Ware wrote:
> > http://www.gnuenterprise.org
> I was mistaken.  It looks pretty young though.

The project has actually be going on for some years now, and having
absorbed or merged with no less than three other projects, including one
I started long ago (OpenRP), it has a good developer base.  It has
matured past the "talk" stage and is well into "production use" at
certain sites.  

Currently, GNUe Forms and GNUe Reports seem to work well in tying
database records to form and report elements, though it doesn't yet have
the n-tier we're trying to build.  It makes a great replacement for M$
Access applications.

Work is being done to create the middle layers of the n-tier
architecture, including business objects, methods, and your basic
Object->Relational mapping.  

The appserver pushes out XML Forms and Data to the clients quite well,
making it technically a 3-tier architecture, but maybe not in the sense
that most developers envision.

All in all, it is young, but it's maturing quickly.  Is it comparable to
SAP yet?  No.  Will it be?  Maybe not.  I think there's a different
design goal for GNU Enterprise than SAP.  Regardless, it is A solution
in this world of MANY solutions, but the point that matters is that it's
a GNU solution.  That means no Java, no closed source, and freedom as in
"free beer".

Chad Walstrom <chewie at wookimus.net>                 | a.k.a. ^chewie
http://www.wookimus.net/                            | s.k.a. gunnarr
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