On Mon, May 06, 2002 at 07:27:39PM -0400, Jon Schewe wrote:
> I want to setup a mailing list on a Linux box.  I want it to be easy to
> maintain and work with sendmail.  What's the favorite mailing list software.
> I know majordomo has been around forever and recently lists seem to be using
> mailman.  From those that manage lists, what seems to be best?

I'm using MailMan myself.  Slightly screwy with Debian - the way I'm
configuring it I have to add four entries to my alias file for each
new mailing list.  I've read a HowTo on configuring things so that is
not so - but it isn't worth the trouble for me.

Being able to offload the admin work to the list-owner is a plus!

Scott Raun
sraun at fireopal.org