On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 10:14:07AM -0500, mnlinux at TechnologyAnnex.com wrote:
>Does anyone know what applet is shown one the far right in the screenshot 
>on the codeweavers web site?

That's the gnome-pilot applet. I'm pretty sure it comes with the gpilotd
stuff. It's a "HotSync(tm)" like set of tools to sync those lame palm
devices with your gnome desktop apps (evolution, gcal and what not).

For what it's worth when I last tried to get it going for a co-worker
(non-technical person who felt compelled to punish herself by trying to use
linux which worked untill we got more "business" types) which was over a
year ago (pre-evolution time) it worked pretty well.

Ben Lutgens				 | http://people.sistina.com/~blutgens/	
System Administrator	 | http://www.sistina.com/
Sistina Software Inc. | 

"If you love something set it free, if it doesn't come back to you
hunt it down and set it on fire" -- George Carlin
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