On Tue, 14 May 2002, Shawn Fertch wrote:
> Anyone have personal experience with FreesWan and Nortel in combination?
>  I don't recall the protocol Nortel uses. Suggestions on other things to
>  try?

My emplower also has a nortel VPN, I had thought there were documented
cases of it working as long as your using user based auth, rather than
cert based, but then, I haven't done it.

I'm running redhat 7.x and Win4Lin 3.x, with win95 inside. (can't remember
the  web site off hand) that seems to run the nortel client without issue.

The only complaint I have is I haven't thought of a way to get the linux
tcpip stack to route through the vpn, which is being handled inside the windows
session. I've thought about winroute, but not tried it.

-- LINUX, because rebooting is for adding hardware!
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