On Friday 17 May 2002 02:54 pm, Austad, Jay wrote:
> Find out if you are using CAP or DMT.  If you are using CAP, you'll be able
> to use a 675, which go for much less.  In fact, I have one laying around
> that I don't need anymore.  Does the 677 use DMT?  The 678 can do either,
> depending on which software is loaded on it.

The Intel 3200 is a USB windslmodem.  Did I just coin that term?  It only does 
DMT line encoding, that means you are using DMT.  So you would have to get a 
Cisco 678.

> Are there any modems 
> compatible with Qwests equipment and Linux in the poor 
> college student price range? - Or..would anyone know how to 
> make the 3200 get along with Linux?  I'd like to hear your 
> suggestions.

I know that if you go with MSN, who gets the line from Qwest, they give you a 
Arsecom NetDSL 800.  I have no idea if you can get those on the open market 
or what the prices are, but it leads me to believe you can use other routers 
with the Qwest line. The router just has to support DMT line encoding and 
either PPP or RFC 1483 bridging, which ever your provider uses.

Like Jay said, there are no drivers for Linux for the Intel 3200, probably 
never will be.

I know this doesn't answer your questions exactly, but should give you a good 
place to start.

Bret Baptist
Systems and Technical Support Specialist
bbaptist at iexposure.com
Internet Exposure, Inc.
(612)676-1946 x17
Web Development-Web Marketing-ISP Services

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.