On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 02:41:31AM -0500, Bob Tanner wrote:
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A60050-2002May22.html
>  Stenbit said the debate is academic and that what matters is how secure a given
> piece of software is. To that end, the Defense Department is now prohibited from
> purchasing any software that has not undergone security testing by the NSA.
> Stenbit said he is unaware of any open-source software that has been tested.
> Anyone know of any commerical Microsoft products that have been tested by the
> NSA and passed?

Windows NT 3.51 has a Cx certification on certain Compaq hardware,
without floppy and not connected to the network - I am not kidding.

They didn't dare submit NT 4.0 or connect it to the network...

That is the only reason they are getting contracts into the DoD.


PS: Don't forget that sorry incident when a destroyer was dead in the
water for a couple of hours when the control computers blue-screened.


"If it's not broken, let's fix it till it is."

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