On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 10:54:22PM +0000, rotbau wrote:
> Hello All,
> 1. Is it a good or bad idea to force duplex on Linux?

No more than any other OS, some hardware just doesn't
negotiate well.

> 2. If good, does anyone know the correct syntax and where 
> to add it or at least a good source to find the answer?  Is 
> this specific to the NIC you have in the box?
> 3. When I do an ifconfig I don't see it listed as to the 
> mode 100 full or half, is there anyway to determine this?
> I am running RH 7.1, 2.4 kernel with a Intel Pro 100 nic. 

Try mii-tool or mii-diag, it has the information you're looking

> Regards,
> rotbau

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