I've forgotten who it was, but someone a week<?> ago was asking about 
performance increases on their machine after replacing the kernel.  I had 
thought about the Super Page patch, but didn't mention it because I thought 
it was only useful on the Alpha architecture [read:  the wheel everyone is 
reinventing ;) ]. 

I was just working with it and noticed that it does, in fact, support i386 
(and sparc64).  So, you might want to try it.  Note that it only patches 
2.4.18 and 2.4.19, and the i386 code is beta.  But, as quoted from the web 

"This is a project to make Linux to use super-page feature of some 
processors. The matrix transpose benchmark runs 4 to 5 times faster than the 
normal kernel on an Alpha 21264A-667MHz machine. And I got about 18 percent 
higher performance on SPEC fp2K with this patch." 

I wouldn't expect i386 to improve this much, and it's a benchmark -- not 
your specific app.  But 4x to 5x is worthwhile for a constant factor 
improvement if someone else has already done the work. :) 



Happy hunting,

"To misattribute a quote is unforgivable." -- Anonymous