Heres what I've done for my RH7.1, RH7.2 systems and Debian
on my Laptop.

You probably want a boot disk in case of trouble, mkbootdisk
will make you one.

I've been running 2.4.18.
I remove any old build "linux" folder, unpack it
(tar xjf linux-2.4.18.tar.bz2).

make menuconfig

You need to turn on
"Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers"
in order to select many of the new and beta status selections.
That can be confusing, if it's off then you don't
see the menuconfig selections.

I made a script so I don't have to re-type the build, and
I like to log everything:
#/bin/sh -v
make dep 2>&1 | tee make_deps.log && \
make bzImage 2>&1 | tee make_bzImage.log && \
make modules 2>&1 | tee make_modules.log && \
make modules_install 2>&1 | tee make_modules_install.log

Before you run this script, you may want to back-up/rename/remove your
current lib/modules/linux-xx.xx.xx kernel modules folder.
make modules_install writes these out.  If your existing install
is a different version(-2.4.17 say) then it won't be a problem.

I hand install the files:
cp linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/bzImage-2.4.18
cp linux/ /boot/
cp linux/.config /boot/config-2.4.18

Then edit /etc/lilo.conf to make a new entry for it,
keep your old one as a backup,
run lilo.

The bzImage file is all you really need, the is
just for verbose kernel debugging(not required), and the
.config is just nice to copy somewhere you can find it again.

Now reboot into the new kernel, figure out what you forgot to
configure correctly and start over(keep the .config file as
a starting point).

IF you need PCMCIA stuff, it is an additional add on src
package to download.

On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 06:37:17PM -0500, Luke Steiner wrote:
> Hey,
>             This is the first time I've ever tried compiling a kernel.
> I'm trying to install NTFS as a file system into it.
> Here are the steps I made..
> Make config    ;from here I went through and selected NTFS to be
> supported
> Make dep
> Make bzImage
> Make bzlilo
> Then I I missing something?  I'm using LILO and it is the
> /vmlimz it is correct.  But it isn't going though and
> recognizing the NTFS filesystem.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Take it Easy,
> Luke