Submitted for your approval...

1.  Distro of preference
2.  Mail client of preference
3.  vi or emacs
4.  gnome or KDE
5.  programming or scripting language of preference (or possibly just
plain programming or scripting)

and as a special added not-applying-to-linux bonus:  Ford or Chevy

I think I'm gonna win, or maybe just end up dead...

On Wed, 16 Apr 2003, Clay Fandre wrote:

> Since I have been doing a crappy job of updating the TCLUG web poll,
> (no comments please) I am asking for a volunteer to take on this
> "job". Anyone interested?
> Mainly you would put up a new poll every-so-often. It is done via a
> web form, so you don't need to know HTML or have any programming
> knowledge. I would like to see it change at least once a week.
> And since there might be more than one person interested, let's turn
> this into a contest. The one that responds with the 5 best polls wins.
> -- Clay
> _______________________________________________
> TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
> tclug-list at

Justin Kremer <kremer at>

"One likes to believe in the freedom of music,
But glittering prizes and endless compromises
Shatter the illusion of integrity."
- Rush "The Spirit of Radio" (1980)

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tclug-list at