I have a Compaq Evo NC600 laptop. At the last installfest I installed
Slackware 8.1 on it and aside from the modem, everything else, including X
worked first time 'out of the box'. It has a Lucent winmodem which I
understand are supported, but I've never had a need thus never futzed with
it at all.

To my suprise, a Win2k installation required the download/config of
SEVERAL of the drivers.  Chalk one up for Compaq/Slackware BOTH IMHO.


And hence AUTHOR spewed: John Hoffoss
>>>> rpgoldman at real-time.com 04/17/03 02:09PM >>>
> (e.g., modern Toshibas seem very hard to get to work with Linux).
> I have a friend with a brand new Tosh running Slack 8.1, and AFAIK, he
> got it up and running the first time without issue...perhaps he's just
> that good though, I can't say.
> I have an old Gateway Solo 5150 running Gentoo with only one issue:
> sound. Apart from that, it's great. Though this doesn't help at all in a
> discussion on new laptops running linux...sorry.
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