On Thu, Apr 24, 2003 at 11:14:05AM -0500, Matt Thoren wrote:
> I saw the post for a QT/KDE developer and I have to ask what QT/KDE 
> gives you over simply using
> vi, make, gdb, X-Motif.

Because X-Motif isn't pretty =)

> I realize that someone has convinced the customer already to go down 
> this path, but is this is a trend?
> What about the cost of business use licensing of QT?  Why tie the code 
> to KDE?  

Depends on if you're open source, or selling the software. The for open
source products it's free. For closed source products it varies(1).

> Why not Java?  

Speed, portability, and things like the GUI.

> Just curious as to what other are thinking about development within 
> linux.   Wouldn't linux go farther faster with standards that business 
> and industry can grasp and have some confidence in finding people who 
> know how to maintain their developed code?

Having choices is good, and the ones that aren't so good will eventually
die off.

I'm quite happy with Qt, it looks great, and is pretty damned easy to 
deal with.

> Matt.
> Matt Thoren
> MTT Computer Consulting Inc.
> www.mttcc.com
> mthoren at mttcc.com

(1) http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/pricing.html

Matthew S. Hallacy                            FUBAR, LART, BOFH Certified
http://www.poptix.net                           GPG public key 0x01938203

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