A friend sent me this. I think most people on this list aspire to be this

> Best Bash.org quote I've seen in a while...
> Some cool info: Tibeten monks, after twenty years or so of practise in
>    the Himalaya, control their brain stem - they can control their heart
>    beat, blood pressure etc.  After thirty years they can connect to the
>    internet purely by meditation, setting TCP stacks in their neurons and
>    stuff.  Right now I am chatting with a monk who is sitting naked in an
>    ice storm on his towel, his only possesion.  He's using ipv6.


---          DA1A E0F0 7E07 27C3 7539  F2F4 5AF1 2C82 A17E D584
-----                          Dan Drake <drake at lemongecko.org>
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