On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 03:56:06PM -0500, Ryan Hayle wrote:
> Java is non-free.  It should be avoided like the plague, or alternatives
> like gcj (GNU java complier), kaffe, and the like should be used.

Maybe I should inform my current client, who happens to be in the
business of saving people's lives, they should immediately cease and
desist their use of non-free Java.  People may die, but at least the
software would be free.

Just a feeble illustration of the compromise laden world in which I
live.  At this time, for me, Java is free enough ...

Joel Schneider              IYXQA - www.yanxinqigong.net
joel at joelschneider.net      ISEE  - www.i-see.org

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