hi all,
has anyone had success building wvstreams-3.70 (for wvdial) with gcc-3.2?
i've been having a devil of a time getting it to compile and googling
hasn't been good for much other than telling me that i'm not the only one.
i get the following error on compile:

--> Making all in /tmp/wvstreams-3.70/src/ipstreams...
g++ $_R_CXXFLAGS -c wvaddr.cc
wvaddr.cc:641: prototype for `WvIPPortAddr::WvIPPortAddr(unsigned char*,
   unsigned int)' does not match any in class `WvIPPortAddr'
wvaddr.h:365: candidates are: WvIPPortAddr::WvIPPortAddr(const
wvaddr.h:382:                 WvIPPortAddr::WvIPPortAddr(sockaddr_in*)
wvaddr.h:380:                 WvIPPortAddr::WvIPPortAddr(const char*, short

   unsigned int)
wvaddr.h:379:                 WvIPPortAddr::WvIPPortAddr(short unsigned
wvaddr.h:376:                 WvIPPortAddr::WvIPPortAddr(const WvString&)
wvaddr.h:374:                 WvIPPortAddr::WvIPPortAddr(const char*)
wvaddr.h:373:                 WvIPPortAddr::WvIPPortAddr(const WvIPAddr&,
short    unsigned int = 0)
wvaddr.h:372:                 WvIPPortAddr::WvIPPortAddr(const unsigned
   short unsigned int = 0)
wvaddr.cc:634:                 WvIPPortAddr::WvIPPortAddr()
make[2]: *** [wvaddr.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [ipstreams] Error 2
make: *** [src] Error 2


Thomas Johnson
john4293 at tc.umn.edu
763.458.9071 (cell)
*if it's not broken, i haven't worked hard enough.
*whatever happens, don't you dare say I brought it upon us. leave me out of
your collective.