On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 09:36:47 -0500
"Raymond Norton" <admin at lctn.org> wrote:

> I am trying to use webmin to batch create 1200 users. I can work
> things out in excel and export all fields to a csv except the homdir
> filed, which needs to be /home/"usersname". Is there a variable for
> this, or a way of getting this done with another method?
> This is the format I am working with:
> create:username:passwd:uid:gid:realname:homedir:shell:min:max:warn:in
> active: expire

Can you do passwords in batch with Webmin?  I haven't looked at it for a long time, and didn't think it was possible.  To me, it would make more sense to add the users from a batch useradd/adduser (noninteractive) script passing all the options.  I thought there was a way to set up account passwords with a flatfile.  Or, you can make a dummy account with a generic login password and move that password into the password field either in the /etc/passwd or shadow password file for the newly created accounts.

We have something like that at work floating around, but I'd have to dig for it.


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