
The command 'ps -ef' creates a bunch of output (a 
list of processes and their stats).

The '|' (pipe) takes that output and feeds it to 'grep sshd'.

'grep sshd' looks at that output and prints lines containing 
the text 'sshd'. Unfortunately, the only process grep 
in that output containing the search text was the 'grep' 
process itself, so 'sshd' is not running.

If this is a Red Hat linux install, run this (as root):
   chkconfig --list sshd

and you'll probably see either this:
   error reading information on service sshd: No such file or directory

or this:
   sshd            0:off   1:off   2:off    3:off    4:off    5:off   

If you see the error message you'll have to find that CD.

If you see the 'sshd ...' output, run these commands (as root):
   chkconfig --level 2345 sshd on
   service sshd start

to configure 'sshd' to start at boot time, and then to start 
it up right now.

Then try to connect with 'putty'.

Good luck,


>>> smac at 08/20/03 10:24AM >>>
No I don't have a fire wall running (thank you James Spinti)
I did (as root) ps -ef grep | sshd   (thank you Johnny Fulcrum)
root   27813 27782   0:09:04  tty1  00:00:00:  grep sshd
This is where I get lost because I don't know how to interpret the 
output of grep so...
   I did
ps -ef | more
This displayed all the processes, "sshd" is not on the list.
So I do not have "sshd" running.
Where did I put that CD...

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