XinXP not booting sounds like progress to me! Well ok, maybe not.

If you're getting this message:
1. You passed the kernel the wrong root drive.
2. The File system is not supported by the kernel.
3. The file system driver is compiled as a module and you are not using a
proper initrd.
4. Fine system is corrupt, whoops.
5. Other..?

1. You're grub config for your new kernel should be similar to the stock
RH kernel entry. If the grup config is pointing to symbolic links, you may
need to update the links, but I berfer to get rid of any symbolic links to
my kernel and specify the exact path to the kernel. Symbolicly linking
/vmlinuz to /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.22-whatever then referencing /vmlinuz in
your boot loader's configuration never made any sense to me. If this all
went over your head, ummm...sorry. :)

2. Basically, you forgot to hit Y on ext2 or ext3 filesystem options, or
you built it as a module and you're not using an inital ram disk.

3. If you compiled the filesystem drivers as a module, you must use an
inital ram disk, and it must be build from your freshly compiled kernel.
This is another thing that I don't understand...even if you use a module
for your file system driver, the module is going to be loaded into the
kernel as long as you have that type of filesystem mounted, and in the
case of /, that file system is going to be mounted from boot to shutdown,
so what does a modular file system driver do for you besides create an
extra step to remember. Sure, modular file system drivers are great when
you're Red Hat and the kernel you distribute has to work on every system
with Red Hat installed, but when you're Andy Zbikowski and you're kernel
is just one specific box that's allready installed and the file system
created, well I'm going to skip the initrd step and hit Y instead of M for
ext3 and get on with things.

This, in my opinion is what's happening to you. Your ext3 driver is
compiled by a module, and the module on the initrd does not match the
kernel version, or you're using a Red Hat provided initrd.img for a custom
kernel, or you have a type in grub's menu.lst.

4. If this is the case:
	Zibby trades you a melon.

5. Bios issues...maybe you added a drive...anything else I don't have a
rant about. :)

Andrew S. Zbikowski |
 A password is like your underwear; Change it
 frequently, don't share it with others, and
     don't ask to borrow someone else's.

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